This channel is my #1 go to for global news. The news coming out of America is not always objective. Or sometimes non existent... I continue to learn so much on here
Great comment, except for one subtle issue in your statement, "The news coming out of America is not objective." Before discussing that, I would like to give you a short synopsis of my background. I am Iranian; I was raised in England, where I completed my primary and secondary education at a private boarding school on the Isle of White. However, since, I have been living in the United States for 60 years. In addition to several advanced degrees in Psychology, sociology, and political science, I have a Ph.D. in Political Psychology and the Geopolitics of the Middle East from one of the top universities in the U.S. My purpose in providing my educational background is not to show off to impress. My only purpose in doing so is to inform you about my background in relation to the topic at hand; I hope you don't mind my doing so. Your statement, "The News out of America is not objective," depends on which type of news outlet you are speaking about, Corporate-owned media outlets or independently-owned outlets. I'll send you a list of some of these outlets later at the end of this discussion. I would like to begin with a very short summary comparison between corporate-owned and independently-owned media functions. In a democratic system of government, the media's primary duty is to present the public with information and alert it to important events that occur. This information may be what we think and feel about the information presented to us through media, which impacts our choice of actions. Conversely, Corporate-owned/controlled media such as CNN, MSNBC, and FOX believe their job, responsibilities, and obligations are to function almost entirely as a mouthpiece for their owners, who pay them to push and promote owners' political and economic agendas. Their tasks include, for example, the fabrication of “alternative facts," distortion of truth to provide cover for truth-denying politicians, generating conspiracy theories, and creating distorted images of their owners' political and economic competitors to manufacture the consent of the governed. The corporate-owned/controlled media's role in shaping public opinion extends directly into the core of our system of government by what is called lobbying. Lobbying is a means of influencing or attempting to influence legislative action or non-action through oral or written communication to persuade or obtain the goodwill of a member or employee of the Legislature, Congress, or Executive branch officials. The role played by the corporate-owned/controlled media is to act as an advertising platform for lobbyist groups and political decision-makers to shape public sentiments and opinions in their favor. Mutatis mutandis, meaning, with the respective differences having been considered, independent media opposes the fabrication of “false facts,” disinformation, and misinformation, and the manufacturing of public consent through lies and misrepresenting reality. Independent media filters out mainstream and internet-based news designed to manipulate public opinion in favor of the wealthy and powerful Wall Street players and their lawyers. Independent media is the cornerstone of principled media policy and the freedom of the press, representing alternative fact-based information and concepts contrary to corporate-owned/controlled media. It denotes, declares, and claims independence from state control, market forces, conventions, and media organizations. Through independent media, individuals assert their legitimacy and credibility. Below is a list of news sources that provide reasoned, fact-based critiques of global politics and the economy and real-life stories of positive change. Alternet Common Dreams CounterPunch **Democracy Now *Dissident Voice Environmental Health News *Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting Jacobin FairWarning: News of Safety, Health and Corporate Conduct Institute for Policy Studies In These Times Grist Living on Earth *Mother Jones Popular Resistance *Project Censored - the news that didn’t make the news The Center for Public Integrity **The Intercept **The Indypendent *The Progressive. These are only some of them; the list of all of them is too lengthy to provide here. To conclude, by slightly modifying your statement from "The news coming out of America is not ALWAYS objective" to "The CORPORATE-OWNED news coming out of America is NEVER objective," you will have described the objectivity aspect of "The news coming out of America" more accurately. Incidentally, for a complete list of the independent news outlets in the U.S., you can google Independent Media Source - Local Futures or go to I hope you don't mind my well-intentioned reply to your comment, and it will prove useful. Also, please note the asterisked names of some independent media sources on the list. Although they are by and large very good, the ones I have, single or double-asterisked, are some of the ones I frequent regularly. Thank you so much for your patience in reading my long-winded reply. I wish you well.
1) The North part of Syria is to Türkiye 🇹🇷 2) The South part of Syria is to Israel 🇮🇱 3) The Eastern part of Syria is to the USA 🇺🇲 (Protecting Oil and Natural gas sites right there). 4) The North Eastern Part of Syria is to the Independent Kurdish state. Conclusion 🤔 Good Bye 👋🏻 Syria 🇸🇾
Mrs Palki is quite vocal to defend women's rights but a distressed person from Bangalore killed himself dealing with a corrupt judge biased judiciary and a greedy wife... How about human rights and judicial bias against men?
To my mind, Syrian people should not be enjoy to0 much with the Victory of the Rebels. Just hearing a phrase of speech of a leader of Rebel saying that ‘‘we will build Syria according to the Islamic Law’’, I‘m suspected that the coming regime led by rebel can be more notorious than that of Assad. The coming regime in Syria can imitate the Islamic regime in Afghanistan today, led bay Taliban.So those who have escaped to foreign countries should no rush to enter back Syria, They should wait and see the situation at least 2 to 3 years to come. National Army who deny to fight the rebel Forces, maybe might be duped by the latter, not different from the Army of the Lun Nol who avoided to fight the Khmer Rouge Army of Pol Pot.
Jewish/Christian Bible It means greetings to the “God” in you. If you are a born again Christian believer… the God in you IS JESUS! His Spirit lives in all true Christian believers! All other false gods of the idol worshippers are of the demonic host following satan. Pray that the god of this world satan who has blinded their eyes and minds is removed so that they can really hear and see the gospel the good news of salvation in no other name than JESUS!!!
Kudos to you Palki Sharma for bringing the truthful news, public should be clarified with honest journalism for the good of all, especially the hardworking & deprived Indians. How much these billionaire consume out of their wealth while the neighbours hardly have good one days meal? Shame on all these greedy corporates for not realizing the impermanent nature of everything. Disgusting.
I am from the USA . ( my father was an immigrant and my Mother’s parents were immigrants ) I worked as a truck driver for 40 years . 34 years at one company . This company PROMISED to take care of us who came as young men/women ( I was 30 years old ) and who faithfully stayed and retired in our mid to late sixties . They PROMISED approximately $3,800.00 per month to us after we retired . We are getting $1,100.00 per month . We drove bad trucks in disrepair ; bad tires , bad brakes , broken driver’s seats , etc . Our early years we had no power steering for 18 wheeler tractor - trailer rigs pulling TWO pup trailers down the interstate . When the board of directors sold the corporation during an acquisition - their payouts for the CEO’s and the board of directors was millions of dollars EACH man ! Palki mentions the Indian workers not getting a fair wage increases while the people at the top get millions is terrible and as a victim of this treatment in the USA myself , I have empathy for the Indian men and women experiencing the same unfair treatment … Great journalism by Palki and First Post . I refuse to listen to Western media .
Erdogan doesn't get the credit he deserves....He achieved more than he aimed for in Syria and also in Ukraine - Russia conflict... Neither West nor Indian Godi media appreciate him..
@World_3306 Turkiye plays both sides very well keeping its own interest at top priority... Erdogan managed to achieve what he aimed for in Syria, Kurish rebels, Ukrain- Russia conflict...... Erdogan is the biggest winner from all of this, now Syrian refugees in Turkiye will be resettled in Syria further increasing his popularity among Turkish Nationalists...He is already popular among Islamists.. He is undeniably the biggest winner from all of these, even western liberal media admitting this despite hating him.
Penjajahan baru...mereka mengecam Rusia yang menyerang Ukraina tapi mereka terus melakukan penyerangan dan penguasaan terhadap negara lain. India dan Indonesia harus hati-hati...kita sudah dijajah dulu dan kita tak mau dijajah lagi .
She is really one of the best news broadcaster I’ve ever seen in my life actually she is the best I love the way she speaks wow she definitely needs some accolades
When i was in my 30s, i wanted to be a sailor/ a Seaman. Why i wanted to be a sailor, because i wants to see different parts of The Globe. Now am about 70 years young, that opportunity is fading away. Thanks.
Palki Sharma: you are a genius! Your News Report is the best. Thank you disabusing the point that you can’t teach an old man a new trick! Indeed we can learn new things at any age if we applied ourselves to it!!! God bless you. jtsdrd
Idk, maybe Syria is not relevant to geographical reasons just like how Xi and their American puppet state of Pakistan are irrelevant to world progress.
Syria was a creation of the French and U.K. back in 1916, drawing lines on a map. It's a hodgepodge collection of tribes and ethnic groups. If you want a peaceful Syria, split it up to match the people. The old French/U.K. borders for Syria are nonsense.
Salary is linked to employee IQ... quality of skilled employees is declining... The education system needs overhauling... send teachers/ professors on internship to know what industry wants...
A viewer...not only for seeing news.. gathering information...not for what's going on.. biggest changing goes everywhere.such world politics within journalism....many ways.(IL)..✍️👽
Why do they value wealth using the valuation of a company? It’s impossible to sell that for that amount even just a few percentage points of selling it would plummet the value. He’s mega rich but he doesn’t actually have that amount.
If the West learned its lesson from Iraq and Lybia, Syria could become a more stable nation. They need to prepare for the worst before preparing for the best. At the same time, depending on the regime, how smart they're and how well they plan for their own peaceful future. They should learn for self-determination, not foreigners' determination.
Dont be jealous of musk be proud for him for the hard work he's done and the accomplishments he's achieved. Im very glad he's here in America .the government doesnt want you to be happy and proud of him they want you to be jealous and hate him cause they dont agree with the values he has and because people listen to him more than the government and they hate that .good job elon musk keep doing what your doing .like trump they cant be bought.
Disappointed with non coverage of the S**cide case in Bangalore by Firstpost. You have lost a viewer. Covering issues across the globe is important, but not when the legal system in your own backyard is a dumpster fire. This will be my last comment here as well.
The dream of a coastal super highway comes from a singular inspiration not solely in Israel. Yes , a coastal super highway in Israel has been offered up for State Planning a number of times. Seems strange however it's real. The area is the best place for a global tourism headquarters. After that , or rather with that; the cyber education of the world can begin. Because people are simply walking around with this amazing smart device. Meanwhile there are no basic amenities for applications of global function. It's a big deal because, hey America; "A mind is a terrible thing to waste!"-Commish
Ding went dong ( wrong in his plan !) App. Dude used 2 show up bruised & ccp torture was behind it - dey made jack mao disappear ! Lesson - do not trade or have nything to do with such a state !
Thank you beautiful for the way you bring us the news and keeping us up to date with what is going on around the globe.🇬🇾🇬🇾
This channel is my #1 go to for global news. The news coming out of America is not always objective. Or sometimes non existent... I continue to learn so much on here
Great comment, except for one subtle issue in your statement, "The news coming out of America is not objective." Before discussing that, I would like to give you a short synopsis of my background.
I am Iranian; I was raised in England, where I completed my primary and secondary education at a private boarding school on the Isle of White. However, since, I have been living in the United States for 60 years. In addition to several advanced degrees in Psychology, sociology, and political science, I have a Ph.D. in Political Psychology and the Geopolitics of the Middle East from one of the top universities in the U.S. My purpose in providing my educational background is not to show off to impress. My only purpose in doing so is to inform you about my background in relation to the topic at hand; I hope you don't mind my doing so. Your statement, "The News out of America is not objective," depends on which type of news outlet you are speaking about, Corporate-owned media outlets or independently-owned outlets. I'll send you a list of some of these outlets later at the end of this discussion. I would like to begin with a very short summary comparison between corporate-owned and independently-owned media functions.
In a democratic system of government, the media's primary duty is to present the public with information and alert it to important events that occur. This information may be what we think and feel about the information presented to us through media, which impacts our choice of actions. Conversely, Corporate-owned/controlled media such as CNN, MSNBC, and FOX believe their job, responsibilities, and obligations are to function almost entirely as a mouthpiece for their owners, who pay them to push and promote owners' political and economic agendas. Their tasks include, for example, the fabrication of “alternative facts," distortion of truth to provide cover for truth-denying politicians, generating conspiracy theories, and creating distorted images of their owners' political and economic competitors to manufacture the consent of the governed. The corporate-owned/controlled media's role in shaping public opinion extends directly into the core of our system of government by what is called lobbying. Lobbying is a means of influencing or attempting to influence legislative action or non-action through oral or written communication to persuade or obtain the goodwill of a member or employee of the Legislature, Congress, or Executive branch officials. The role played by the corporate-owned/controlled media is to act as an advertising platform for lobbyist groups and political decision-makers to shape public sentiments and opinions in their favor.
Mutatis mutandis, meaning, with the respective differences having been considered, independent media opposes the fabrication of “false facts,” disinformation, and misinformation, and the manufacturing of public consent through lies and misrepresenting reality. Independent media filters out mainstream and internet-based news designed to manipulate public opinion in favor of the wealthy and powerful Wall Street players and their lawyers. Independent media is the cornerstone of principled media policy and the freedom of the press, representing alternative fact-based information and concepts contrary to corporate-owned/controlled media. It denotes, declares, and claims independence from state control, market forces, conventions, and media organizations. Through independent media, individuals assert their legitimacy and credibility.
Below is a list of news sources that provide reasoned, fact-based critiques of global politics and the economy and real-life stories of positive change.
Common Dreams
**Democracy Now
*Dissident Voice
Environmental Health News
*Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
FairWarning: News of Safety, Health and Corporate Conduct
Institute for Policy Studies
In These Times
Living on Earth
*Mother Jones
Popular Resistance
*Project Censored - the news that didn’t make the news
The Center for Public Integrity
**The Intercept
**The Indypendent
*The Progressive.
These are only some of them; the list of all of them is too lengthy to provide here.
To conclude, by slightly modifying your statement from "The news coming out of America is not ALWAYS objective" to "The CORPORATE-OWNED news coming out of America is NEVER objective," you will have described the objectivity aspect of "The news coming out of America" more accurately. Incidentally, for a complete list of the independent news outlets in the U.S., you can google Independent Media Source - Local Futures or go to I hope you don't mind my well-intentioned reply to your comment, and it will prove useful. Also, please note the asterisked names of some independent media sources on the list. Although they are by and large very good, the ones I have, single or double-asterisked, are some of the ones I frequent regularly. Thank you so much for your patience in reading my long-winded reply. I wish you well.
1) The North part of Syria is to Türkiye 🇹🇷
2) The South part of Syria is to Israel 🇮🇱
3) The Eastern part of Syria is to the USA 🇺🇲 (Protecting Oil and Natural gas sites right there).
4) The North Eastern Part of Syria is to the Independent Kurdish state.
Conclusion 🤔 Good Bye 👋🏻 Syria 🇸🇾
This happens when you don't have a strong military. Imran Khan supporters need to understand it as early as possible.
Said that the moment rebels celebrated 😮
Ha ha
Blinken is a bald faced lier. ISIS was at its peak under Obama and destroyed within 1 yr of Trump’s presidency.
Thank you Palki 🌎📰👀
The cast system holds India back.
Not cast but socialism
@mamtasingh2703 the cast system prevents people trying to better themselves. Which stifles productivity.
I just love this woman and the way she analysis issues
Good Morning Ms palki Sharma 💕💕💕💕💕
Palki, you talk more like a politician than a journalist. Why don't you run for office in India? Yet, you are one hell of an intelligent woman.😊
There're still problems in Syria, this regimes may not last.
Palki sarma daily rocking with new colourful sarees 👍👍👍
Mrs Palki is quite vocal to defend women's rights but a distressed person from Bangalore killed himself dealing with a corrupt judge biased judiciary and a greedy wife... How about human rights and judicial bias against men?
She reads a script , so send her one
How Many Stories Would She Have If She Addressed Every Single Individual Person's Court Battles?
My friend, you should grow up!
To my mind, Syrian people should not be enjoy to0 much with the Victory of the Rebels. Just hearing a phrase of speech of a leader of Rebel saying that ‘‘we will build Syria according to the Islamic Law’’, I‘m suspected that the coming regime led by rebel can be more notorious than that of Assad. The coming regime in Syria can imitate the Islamic regime in Afghanistan today, led bay Taliban.So those who have escaped to foreign countries should no rush to enter back Syria, They should wait and see the situation at least 2 to 3 years to come. National Army who deny to fight the rebel Forces, maybe might be duped by the latter, not different from the Army of the Lun Nol who avoided to fight the Khmer Rouge Army of Pol Pot.
Why has Namaskar replaced with Hello Madam Palki. Your greeting with a 'Namaskar' had the pride for nation in it
Jewish/Christian Bible
It means greetings to the “God” in you.
If you are a born again Christian believer… the God in you IS JESUS! His Spirit lives in all true Christian believers! All other false gods of the idol worshippers are of the demonic host following satan. Pray that the god of this world satan who has blinded their eyes and minds is removed so that they can really hear and see the gospel the good news of salvation in no other name than JESUS!!!
Kudos to you Palki Sharma for bringing the truthful news, public should be clarified with honest journalism for the good of all, especially the hardworking & deprived Indians. How much these billionaire consume out of their wealth while the neighbours hardly have good one days meal? Shame on all these greedy corporates for not realizing the impermanent nature of everything. Disgusting.
Great journalism by 1st Post delivered via the Beautiful & Brilliant Palkisha 👏👏
Hello Palki! ❤
One nation one election.
Very high respect to Palki Sharma - SO glad she has not vacated her role as a news presenter.
Lovely to hear thanks!
Good coverage to Syria as always.... important issues with great analysis economics politics.. good job palki from Egypt
even if i am late i still watching and listen to you mam
on #firstpost❤
You look amazing tonight . Very nice outfit . those are great colors on you. 😉
phalky sharma my favourite Mam❤
So true Palkii are badman, strength and visioner in journalist😮
Thank u! Watching from quezon city phils.
I am from the USA . ( my father was an immigrant and my Mother’s parents were immigrants ) I worked as a truck driver for 40 years . 34 years at one company . This company PROMISED to take care of us who came as young men/women ( I was 30 years old ) and who faithfully stayed and retired in our mid to late sixties . They PROMISED approximately $3,800.00 per month to us after we retired . We are getting $1,100.00 per month . We drove bad trucks in disrepair ; bad tires , bad brakes , broken driver’s seats , etc . Our early years we had no power steering for 18 wheeler tractor - trailer rigs pulling TWO pup trailers down the interstate . When the board of directors sold the corporation during an acquisition - their payouts for the CEO’s and the board of directors was millions of dollars EACH man ! Palki mentions the Indian workers not getting a fair wage increases while the people at the top get millions is terrible and as a victim of this treatment in the USA myself , I have empathy for the Indian men and women experiencing the same unfair treatment …
Great journalism by Palki and First Post . I refuse to listen to Western media .
Thank you
🇸🇽✔🙏this channel is telling all facts that is why although time zone is different i am not missing ms Ms PALKI news very cool in my ears and brain✔🇸🇽🙏
Once again, kudos to your team and you … Jai Hind ❤
Erdogan doesn't get the credit he deserves....He achieved more than he aimed for in Syria and also in Ukraine - Russia conflict...
Neither West nor Indian Godi media appreciate him..
He is just a joker ..turkey fears USA 😂😂😂.... Just a puppet of US
@World_3306 Turkiye plays both sides very well keeping its own interest at top priority...
Erdogan managed to achieve what he aimed for in Syria, Kurish rebels, Ukrain- Russia conflict......
Erdogan is the biggest winner from all of this, now Syrian refugees in Turkiye will be resettled in Syria further increasing his popularity among Turkish Nationalists...He is already popular among Islamists..
He is undeniably the biggest winner from all of these, even western liberal media admitting this despite hating him.
Penjajahan baru...mereka mengecam Rusia yang menyerang Ukraina tapi mereka terus melakukan penyerangan dan penguasaan terhadap negara lain. India dan Indonesia harus hati-hati...kita sudah dijajah dulu dan kita tak mau dijajah lagi .
Hello Palki, why do you not broadcast within Juba
Palkii,.. using badman costum😂❤i lk it, i lv it😮
She is really one of the best news broadcaster I’ve ever seen in my life actually she is the best I love the way she speaks wow she definitely needs some accolades
May Allah protect the Syrian citizens
When i was in my 30s, i wanted to be a sailor/ a Seaman. Why i wanted to be a sailor, because i wants to see different parts of The Globe. Now am about 70 years young, that opportunity is fading away. Thanks.
Free Humanity Free Gaza 🇵🇸 Palestine
They are free
Happy Independence day, Kenya!
I'm indigenous person of Iraq kurds majority are ????? look what they doing to christian indigenous of iraq.
Palki Sharma: you are a genius! Your News Report is the best. Thank you disabusing the point that you can’t teach an old man a new trick! Indeed we can learn new things at any age if we applied ourselves to it!!! God bless you. jtsdrd
Syria stay strong God is with you
Today's it's happened???
Where’s India the self proclaimed global south leader?
In Modi's dream... 🤭🤣🤣
Idk, maybe Syria is not relevant to geographical reasons just like how Xi and their American puppet state of Pakistan are irrelevant to world progress.
Time and again, history shows us abusive dictatorship never ends well and dictators, in their arrogance, never learns their lessons…
Chess championship🏆🏆🏆🏆.
Also, quite disappointed I was waiting for the coverage of Gukesh's win ... Just a mention and nothing more...?
All the greedy power hungry vultures circling.
Thanks for thy updates. If I am not mistaken the word trump in Bulgarian language is KO3.
Yes I'm here
Syria was a creation of the French and U.K. back in 1916, drawing lines on a map. It's a hodgepodge collection of tribes and ethnic groups. If you want a peaceful Syria, split it up to match the people. The old French/U.K. borders for Syria are nonsense.
You look so beautiful in SAREE..😊
She s angry😂😂😂
Ethiopia 🇪🇹 and Somalia 🇸🇴 share the same enimies the facists of Europe 🇪🇺
Is there anything left of that country
I'm indigenous person of Iraq kurds majority are ????# look what they doing to christian indigenous of iraq.
Salary is linked to employee IQ... quality of skilled employees is declining... The education system needs overhauling... send teachers/ professors on internship to know what industry wants...
The U.N. needs a real life city. Mt Zion needs a real home and Syria seems available. -Commish 11:44
Yes ma
A viewer...not only for seeing news.. gathering information...not for what's going on.. biggest changing goes everywhere.such world politics within journalism....many ways.(IL)..✍️👽
Haha, Quadruple is 4 times...
Companies are just too big.
51:57 😂😂😂😂😂😂
And no one is mentioning JP Morgan banks for India's gdp crisis
Turkey is doing job in africa on the infrastructure.
On social media people lose money 💰 🤑
Forgivi my mistakes Palkii😢🎉
Why do they value wealth using the valuation of a company? It’s impossible to sell that for that amount even just a few percentage points of selling it would plummet the value. He’s mega rich but he doesn’t actually have that amount.
If the West learned its lesson from Iraq and Lybia, Syria could become a more stable nation. They need to prepare for the worst before preparing for the best. At the same time, depending on the regime, how smart they're and how well they plan for their own peaceful future. They should learn for self-determination, not foreigners' determination.
Western palki on its work .
Ethiopia is above your political system.
ABU MOHAMMAD AL-JULANI what ever his name maybe in the past,but now he choose to be the other side and that is TO BE A GOOD LEADER,WE CALL IT CHANGE.
Assad is in russia with the captives are in russia prisontrue or false???😮
Brian Thompson $25,000,000.00 His last year pay ! Twenty-five Million Dollars !
Syiria in Bible an Aramic Tribes😮❤🎉
All the powerful countries are playing with such Islamic countries 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
first rate commentary
They also gave him some of Fidel Castro clothes .trump is smart he does something the others don't he actually talks to people
Dont be jealous of musk be proud for him for the hard work he's done and the accomplishments he's achieved. Im very glad he's here in America .the government doesnt want you to be happy and proud of him they want you to be jealous and hate him cause they dont agree with the values he has and because people listen to him more than the government and they hate that .good job elon musk keep doing what your doing .like trump they cant be bought.
Disappointed with non coverage of the S**cide case in Bangalore by Firstpost. You have lost a viewer.
Covering issues across the globe is important, but not when the legal system in your own backyard is a dumpster fire. This will be my last comment here as well.
Firstpost =CIA😂
The dream of a coastal super highway comes from a singular inspiration not solely in Israel. Yes , a coastal super highway in Israel has been offered up for State Planning a number of times. Seems strange however it's real. The area is the best place for a global tourism headquarters. After that , or rather with that; the cyber education of the world can begin. Because people are simply walking around with this amazing smart device. Meanwhile there are no basic amenities for applications of global function. It's a big deal because, hey America; "A mind is a terrible thing to waste!"-Commish
Ding went dong ( wrong in his plan !) App. Dude used 2 show up bruised & ccp torture was behind it - dey made jack mao disappear ! Lesson - do not trade or have nything to do with such a state !
Lybia 2.0
یا اللہ مسلمانوں کی حفاظت فرمائے آمین
Hey I was just wondering what will happy love you and your family Jesus name 🙏 ❤️ love God grace blessed God blessed Jesus luthe tree God amen God